Our Services

What we offer

Function Medicine Health Coaching with scanning

This is our main service and one that most people start with. It consist of a 2 hour consult about health goals and lifestyle while we run a meridian stress analysis scan. The MSA scan allows us to look at the body in more depth than just a verbal consult or or paperwork. It is not meant to diagnose or treat (got to love required statements) diseases but gives us a clear insight to the body.

Emotional Balance Scan

Using the MSA scanning machine we run just the emotional part of the scan which takes about 30 minutes and creates custom remedy that allows the body to process and exit PTSD loops. A lot of clients us this in conjunction with counseling to help the better articulate their issues. The way I describe this is if you can’t at least say out loud what is actually wrong how can you ever hope to actually deal with it?